ユーザアカウント作成はメニューの"sign up"またはこちらから
Welcome to bunnymining.work! / うさぎコイン採掘所Bitzeny版へようこそ!
You need to minerd for mining bitzeny. (You can't mine by other minerd)
minerd for bitzeny : https://github.com/macchky/cpuminer/releases

Mining command :
低難易度(base diff 0.1):minerd -a yescrypt -o stratum+tcp://bitzeny.bunnymining.work:19332 -u user.worker -p password
標準難易度(base diff 1):minerd -a yescrypt -o stratum+tcp://bitzeny.bunnymining.work:19333 -u user.worker -p password
高難易度(base diff 2):minerd -a yescrypt -o stratum+tcp://bitzeny.bunnymining.work:19334 -u user.worker -p password

プールの使い方や採掘方法については こちら を参考にしてください。

If you want to know how to mining, see Getting Start page.

当プールはBitzeny:fee0%,送料0.1ZNYです。/ ZNY-Pool fee is 0% (TX fee 0.1zny)

latest News


It has been completed as scheduled through today.
Thank you for your cooperation.
*There are items that need to be implemented separately and we will inform you of the maintenance again soon.

Major maintenance will be performed from April 9-13, 2024. There will be several mining and portal outages, and we appreciate your cooperation.

Major maintenance will be performed from April 9-13, 2024. There will be several mining and portal outages, and we appreciate your cooperation.

※全てのお知らせはこちらから参照できます。/ All news is here.