The service will cease mining functionality in January 2025 and portal and coin disbursement in February 2025.
Please see the latest announcement for details.
Block Shares
Block Overview
Gen. Est. Found Valid Orphan Orphan % Avg. Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,542,043 871,737 868,789 2,948 0.34 0.0315 1,791,723,793 2,140,598,998 119.47% 12,740,285.65 34.29%
Last Hour 40 10 10 0 0.00 0.0043 2,793 2,515 90.05% 19.53 25.00%
Last 24 Hours 960 240 238 2 0.83 0.0035 54,666 63,077 115.39% 464.85 25.00%
Last 7 Days 6,720 1,690 1,686 4 0.24 0.0035 387,607 445,564 114.95% 3,292.98 25.15%
Last 4 Weeks 26,880 10,280 10,261 19 0.18 0.0032 2,135,182 2,546,225 119.25% 20,041.11 38.24%
The Past 12 Months 322,560 135,154 134,557 597 0.44 0.0037 32,523,933 40,020,932 123.05% 483,286.87 41.90%
Last 10 Blocks Found
Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3541871 Confirmed kamitsukigame2 2025/01/12 02:21:52 0.0024 1.95 157 125 79.69
3541867 Confirmed miyabi1121 2025/01/12 02:20:11 0.0024 1.95 159 301 189.00
3541863 Confirmed ukk 2025/01/12 02:14:44 0.0025 1.95 163 84 51.59
3541862 Confirmed ukk 2025/01/12 02:13:42 0.0027 1.95 176 209 118.89
3541861 Confirmed melon 2025/01/12 02:09:47 0.0027 1.95 175 67 38.34
3541860 Confirmed melon 2025/01/12 02:08:24 0.0027 1.95 176 199 112.90
3541858 Confirmed anonymous 2025/01/12 02:05:38 0.0028 1.95 184 51 27.68
3541857 Confirmed kamitsukigame2 2025/01/12 02:04:31 0.0027 1.95 179 49 27.45
3541856 Confirmed kamitsukigame2 2025/01/12 02:03:51 0.0026 1.95 170 273 160.18
3541852 Confirmed kamitsukigame2 2025/01/12 01:59:31 0.0027 1.95 178 865 486.44
Totals 1,717 2,223 129.49