As of 2024/04/14, the number of connections to Bunnycoin-core is 0. An effective decentralized blockchain has not been established.
Due to resource consumption and the fact that bunnycion is virtually non-functional, we will be announcing its closure in the near future.
June 26,2017: Hello, Our pool inform mainly in Japanese. but anyone can mining!! Let's enjoy bunnymining life!
マイニングコマンドは「minerd -o stratum+tcp://bunnycoin.bunnymining.work:3333 -u アカウント名.ワーカー名 -p パスワード」 です。
初めてこのサイトへ来た方へ:使い方・採掘方法は https://cryptomamiya.com を参考にしてください。
Round Statistics
Block Statistics PPLNS Round Statistics
ID 183,526 PPLNS Shares 459,776
Height 2,657,638 Estimated Shares 624,208
Amount 5199.3 Target Variance 135.76 %
Confirmations Confirmed Block Average 474,076
Difficulty 9.52466273 Average Efficiency 131.67 %
Time 2021-01-19 04:34:10 Target Rounds 10
Shares 361,472 Seconds This Round 24
Finder swir07 Round Variance 78.62 %
Round Transactions
User Name Round Shares Round % PPLNS Shares PPLNS Round % Variance Amount
Rama 294,912 81.59 393,216 85.52 104.83 4,446.61737190
swir07 65,536 18.13 65,536 14.25 78.62 741.10289532
damosan 1,024 0.28 1,024 0.22 78.62 11.57973278
Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 Rama 294,912 0 0.00
2 swir07 65,536 0 0.00
3 damosan 1,024 0 0.00
PPLNS Round Shares
Rank User Name Valid Invalid Invalid %
1 Rama 393,216 0 0.00
2 swir07 65,536 0 0.00
3 damosan 1,024 0 0.00